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Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle celebrates local fashion .

The second year Fashion Marketing students of LaSalle College invite you to the eighth edition of the annual Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle (SMCL).

The second year students of the Fashion Marketing program at LaSalle College welcome you to the ninth edition of the Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle (SMCL).

The event will showcase the latest trends through three fashion shows: Asphyxie, Guestlist and Poison. The shows will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 4:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the Jean-Paul-Morin Room at LaSalle College, located at 2000 Sainte-Catherine Street West.

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Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle celebrates local fashion .

The second year students of the Fashion Marketing program at LaSalle College welcome you to the ninth edition of the Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle (SMCL).

The event will showcase the latest trends through three fashion shows: Asphyxie, Guestlist and Poison. The shows will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 4:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the Jean-Paul-Morin Room at LaSalle College, located at 2000 Sainte-Catherine Street West.

SMCL22 Concepts

The event will showcase the latest trends through three fashion shows: Asphyxie, Guestlist and Poison.



The global pandemic has disrupted the psychological balance of Generation Z and has led many into an asthenia of social and emotional isolation. Exhausted by this trauma, the generation is finally showing an explosive desire for freedom. The Asphyxie fashion show allows them to express their emotions and personality through punk and ravecore fashion.


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What will you wear? Who will you go with? What will you be abusing? Here, your gender, your size, your color, your physique, your worries and your stress are not important. What matters is the music, the lights, the energy and not being relegated to the background… but you have to get in line first.



Love can be seen in so many ways: sometimes favorable and at other times, much to our own disadvantage. Getting absorbed in the honeymoon of a relationship is almost inevitable, although if and when it turns into poison, the ability to see red is at its peak.


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As a sponsor you will benefit from visibility before, during and after the event:

Your official logo presented before and after the 3 presentations to 1,200 guests including personalities from the Quebec Fashion Industry, fashion designers, publishers, journalists, bloggers, influencers.